Your Local Councillors

John Pillow
Infrastructure, roads, Promenade, Public Conveniences, gardens and playgrounds, pavements/road signs, public safety around construction sites
I have always loved my locality and I wish to use my energy and enthusiasm in order to contribute positively for my hometown.
Through all it’s difficulties it is an honor for me to represent my locality and the people who form part of this community.

Anthony Debono
Komunitajiet, Każini, Parroċċi, NGO’s, Kommunita’ Kummerċjali, Siti Storiċi u Heritage Trail.
L-imħabba lejn il-lokalita’ ta’ Tas-Sliema twieldet miegħi, kibret matul ħajti u għada tbaqbaq ġo fija sal-lum. Ħriġt bħala kandidat għal din il-lokalita’ għaliex veru xtaqt li nservi lis-Slimiżi ħuti u minn dejjem kelli fija il-ħerqa li nipprova nkun ta’ sostenn lill-komunita’. Li tkun kunsillier tagħni din il-possibilita’.
Fil-Kunsill tagħna naqsmu l-idejal li nservu lis-Slimiżi kollha mingħajr ebda eċċezzjoni. Kuntent li naħdmu flimkien b’għaqda kbira għaliex kollha nixtiequ li nkunu ta’ ġid għall-abitanti ta’ din il-lokalita’. Kollha fil-qasam tagħna naħdmu biex inferrxu mal-lokalita’ kollha informazzjoni pertinenti ta’ kif nistgħu ntejbu l-ambjent ta’ madwarna.
Nagħmel kuraġġ lil kull min jgħix f’Tas-Sliema biex jersaq lejna, l-kunsilliera, u jaqsam magħna ideat jew suġġerimenti li jista’ jkollu. Huwa b’dan il-mod li nistgħu naslu biex flimkien insebħu l-lokalita’ tagħna, intejbu kull servizz mogħti u nagħmlu l-ħilitna biex ngħixu fil-paċi u t-trankwillita’ tant neċessarja għal kull Slimiż u Slimiża.

Wallace Vella Baldacchino
Sports and Physical Activity
I have been a proud Sliema resident since my childhood, during which I met my friends on our lovely promenade and roamed the City’s streets with my bike. Even nowadays, I almost always opt to spend my free time in our beautiful City, simply because in my opinion, which I believe is shared by many fellow nationals, Sliema is one of the nicest cities in Malta.
Having our City so close to my heart made me feel the need to offer my time, insight and assistance to my locality and its residents, and forming part of the Sliema Local Council offers me the perfect platform for that.

Joe Aquilina

Vivienne Galea Pace
L-Anzjani, Attivitajiet/Żjarat Kullturali, Day Centre
For a large period of time I worked in politics and assisted the elderly and it has always been my pleasure to assist people with their needs.
Sliema is my hometown and I always wished to represent, and provide my contributions, to my locality.

Zack Zammit

Jacqueline Higgans

Ryan Borg

Emmanuel Borg
Animal Rights, Observation of animal rights, Cats Cafe
I decided to contest the elections to provide my assistance for the good of Tas-Sliema and to do my best for the Sliema residents. I am doing this along with my colleagues in order to do our utmost for our beloved locality.

David Soler
General cleaning and sweeping of the whole council area. Garbage and bulky collection
Had experience working with Local Council on the warden system. Knowing how councils worked and that being a pensioner I had time to fill.
I decided to nominate myself to be a councillor and help where necessary.

Kevin Wain
The Environment and Beaches
I contested the election, because I wish to contribute towards a better environment for residents. My aim is to help in improving the quality of the lives of all residents of our town.

John b. Dougall
Waste Management – Tigne, Qui Si Sana & The Strand

David Muscat
Cultural Events, Activities, Promotional of Local Talents, Town Twinning and Intergovernmental relations
First of all, i love my Locality and it’s people. However, being a councillor is hard work. Every day you will be expected to balance the needs of your local area, your residents and voters, community groups, local businesses, your political party and the council. All will make legitimate demands on your time on top of your personal commitments to family, friends and workplace.
From my view, a councillor’s primary role is to represent the people who live in the locality, and most important thing is that you need to keep them informed about the issues that affect them. In order to understand and represent local views and priorities, you need to build strong relationships and encourage local people to make their views known and engage with you and the council.
Good communication and engagement is central to being an effective councillor. As a local councillor, my aims are:
– respond to residents queries and investigate their concerns -communicate council decisions that affect them
– to work with representatives / committees of local organisations and represent their views at council meetings
– to continue working on my portfolios on Cultural Events, Activities, Promotional of Local Talents, Town Twinning and Intergovernmental relations.